Michael Arthur Taylor

Michael Arthur Taylor
Michael Arthur Taylor

I am now a retired English teacher, who taught for 39 years on the college, high school, and middle school levels. I earned National Board Certification in 2002 in Early Adolescence/English Language Arts, was a Fellow with the Tampa Bay Area Writing Project, and a summer Fellow with the Poynter Institute Writers Camp. 

I self-published a memoir in 2016, Growing Up Floridian. “One Gunshot's Long Echo," Chapter 19 of Growing Up Floridian, was originally published in the St. Petersburg Times newspaper in December of 2000 as a "Sunday Journal" story. This chapter is written in third person in contrast to the first person narratives of the other chapters. The text was edited and reduced to fit the word limitation requirement of the newspaper. What is offered in my memoir is the original version written during a 1996 Poynter Institute's Summer Writers Camp for teachers and students under the direction of Dr. Roy Peter Clark, Mary Osborne, and Janie Guilbault and became an inspirational beginning for Growing Up Floridian. 

I live in Gulfport, Florida and can be reached via email at  taylorm9@hotmail.com. I have recently written two books that are largely set in the 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s in Reading and Great Barrington, MA and rural Florida during a time when dude ranches were popular and the western cowboy culture dominated television and movie theaters. I think residents in both areas might be interested in the books. The Facebook link offers a preview and the Amazon link connects to both the paperback and ebook editions: 



https://www.growingupfloridian.org/ Natalie, 

The two volume series, captures the essence of the western cowboy culture that dominated television and movie theaters in the 1940’s, 1950’s, and 1960’s. A dude ranch culture, given birth and glorified in film, literature, and art, exploded not only in the southwest in AZ and CA, but in New England and New York. Thousands of Americans packed dude ranches every week for several decades along the historic Dude Ranch Trail Scenic Byway, a 40-mile loop beginning and ending at Lake George, New York. Painted Pony Rodeo in Lake Luzerne, 1000 Acres Ranch Resort (founded in 1940 by Jack and Ester Arehart) in Stony Creek, and Ridin-Hy in Warrensburg were favorites. By 1937, an estimated 40 ranches dotted the Catskills, Long Island, Adirondacks, Berkshires, New Jersey highlands, and the Poconos. The eastern ranches had names like the Lazy-J, Box Canyon, Hidden Valley, G-Bar-S, Sun Canyon, and the Bar X. 

Natalie fell in love with the western cowboy culture as a child and decided she had to live the culture, marry a cowboy, and live on a ranch. She did not know that such dreams would take her to ranches and rodeos in Florida and take her down a rough and tragic trail. Her journey began in Reading, a suburb of Boston, took her to Great Barrington, Massachusetts and back to Reading. She took a gamble by agreeing to move to rural Indiantown, Florida and another with a move to a ranch outside of Parrish, Florida. After a series of traumatic events, she escaped to the retirement home of her mother in Pinellas County Florida, where she transformed herself into an independent, single mother. 


Natalie, a New England Girl with Cowboy Dreams

Natalie Gray, a small town New England girl, dreams of escaping a mundane, structured life in Reading, Massachusetts by taking advantage of her skills as a horseback rider, working on a dude ranch, and marrying a cowboy. Having taken horseback riding lessons during much of her young life, she gets the opportunity to become a riding instructor...

Natalie’s Dreams Take a Tropical Twist

Natalie Gray, a small town New England girl, dreams of escaping a mundane, structured life in Reading, Massachusetts by taking advantage of her skills as a horseback rider, working on a dude ranch, and marrying a cowboy. Having taken horseback riding lessons during much of her young life, she gets the opportunity to become a riding instructor...

Growing Up Floridian (Natalie)

Growing Up Floridian is a personal memoir that relives moments as a boy grew up in the 1950’s and 1960’s learning life lessons in a rural Cracker-cowboy environment. He put those lessons to use as he adapted to Florida’s west coast as a beach-loving teenager.

Other Writing

A Date With Hurricane Gladys Fifty-seven years ago, as a foolish

Fifty-seven years ago, as a foolish seventeen-year-old looking for adventure, I had my most memorable date on an evening when the last hurricane that directly visited St. Pete Beach’s Pass-a-Grille Beach roared along the Tampa Bay Area coast. Back then, television weather forecasts featured a weatherman drawing storm predictions on a white board with a felt-tipped marker over a silhouette of the state. Warnings were not taken as seriously then as they should have been.

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A Poetry Exercise  Beyond I AmBy: Michael TaylorPublication: The Voice,

Beyond I Am

By: Michael Taylor

Publication: The Voice, Vol. 9, No. 2

Date: 2004

Summary: Taylor shares how a summer institute community-building activity turned into a before-and-after example of how participants become better writers in the institute.

It's commonly accepted in the National Writing Project that teachers who participate in a summer institute surface at the end of the experience as more knowledgeable and competent writers than they were when they entered. Over the years we've heard...

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One of my middle school students on the Oprah television show… National

National Board Certified Teachers invite us into their classrooms to witness 70 inspiring stories, reminding us that we are not only teachers, but also parents, mentors, friends, and leaders.

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Gulfport Author Tells His Rodeo Mama’s Story

Michael Taylor’s mother had a “rodeo romance” with her husband. Pictured here are Taylor’s books, on a table built by his father to frame a hand-tooled leather piece his mother created in 1947. 

It may seem like an unlikely story: A young woman from small town Massachusetts takes a job at a dude ranch, marries an aspiring rodeo rider, and follows her cowboy dreams into the Florida sunset.
It happens to be true.
Two new books from Gulfport author Michael Taylor (“Natalie, A New England Girl with Cowboy Dreams” and “Natalie’s Cowboy Dreams Take a Tropical Twist”) chronicle the life of Taylor’s mother, Natalie Gray Taylor Linger, who moved with her husband and two boys to a ranch in Indiantown in 1956. Their rodeo romance – part of a thriving Western culture of dude ranches that flourished across the country in the 1940s and 1950s – wasn’t always easy. The accidental death of Natalie’s son Smokey and divorce from her husband Bill rocked Natalie’s foundations, but she hung on. Reflecting on the story captured in his pages, Taylor muses, “I think she would be proud.”
This isn’t Taylor’s first foray into family history. His 2016 memoir “Growing Up Floridian” chronicles his early life, from cracker cowboy kid in rural Florida to a beach-loving teenager on the Gulf. His new project involved a lot more research, gathering stories from older relatives and reading accounts of everyday life during the World War II era. His investigations lead him to discover some fascinating Florida stories – like tales of Vick and Faye Blackstone, a legendary Florida rodeo duo and the only couple represented both in the national Cowgirl Hall of Fame and Cowboy Hall of Fame –as well as some surprises, including two divorce certificates indicating his parents had divorced not once, but twice.

“Writing gives you a changed sense of yourself, of your family.”

His research also delved into what became one of the real highlights of the Natalie books: dozens of striking photographs of his mother. Each chapter begins with a different image that captures the essence of that moment in her life, and Taylor notes that pairing words and images through the self-publishing platform provided by Amazon Kindle offered one of the most satisfying aspects of the project.
I’m a little envious; as a collector of family stories, I would love to see some of them immortalized in print – triumphs, struggles, and oddball adventures playing out on the page, and connecting my ancestors to the bigger story of life in this country and beyond.
For Taylor, it’s an ongoing process of discovery.
“Writing gives “In the end, Natalie’s is really an amazing story about a woman who went through all kinds of trauma,” he grins. “And still managed to do a good job by me.”

By Amanda Hagood
The Gulfport Gabber January 26, 2022


– Amanda Hagood

Sh*t my mom read: Growing Up Floridian by Michael Taylor
Short blurbs about books that you may want to read. None of them are too taxing — more easy, fun reads. Unless they aren't. Don't worry, my mom will let you know if they don't meet her "fun reading" standards.
Cathy Salustri
Jul 20, 2017 12 AM

Courtesy of Michael Taylor
Editor's note: This book by a local author is self-published, which we don't often review at CL. However, I know better to tell my mom no when she likes a book and wants people to know. —CS
Taylor gives an interesting account of how he spent his early years (1950's) in Indiantown, FL. Growing up he learned a lot about animals and nature and worked hard (whippings or slaps on his head taught him to do what he father wanted) with cattle, fences and all the stuff that goes with somewhat undeveloped Florida.
One sad bit: Taylor and his brother were playing with a gun and the brother died.  
Another sad bit: His father ends up leaving with another woman and he and his mother moved to Pinellas Park to live with the grandmother.
Just want to read the bits about Tampa Bay? The parts about Pinellas County begin about page 240. He writes about how the Don CeSar was a VA office until 1967, then sat empty for a few years.  
Overall: It was enjoyable to read and made you think about how hard a child under 10 had to work at his father's insistence on their ranch.
Growing up Floridian
Michael Taylor
2016. 328 pages.
Available online at Amazon or locally at the Gulfport Beach Bazaar or the Gulfport Historical Society


– Cathy Salustri


I self-published my efforts through Amazon. I have no experience in marketing books and would love to hear from a publisher.